

Mom tagged me. 8 random things about myself. Hmmm...

1. I've always known that I was supposed to be a teacher. Even as a child.

2. I've had the same best friend since I was 5. I have a couple other best friends, but K is more like a sister than anything else. We met at swimming lessons.

3. I get stuck on songs and albums. I have to listen to a cd over and over again. And then I have to literally force myself to listen to something else. Seriously. I just had to do it tonight.

3b. I can learn the lyrics to a song pretty quickly. Give me a few listens to a song, and I can sing along. Which makes it all the more difficult NOT to sing along to a song. I know so many. Can start lyrics to a song when I hear the first couple of notes.

4. I love to be organized. But from the state of my studio you would never know it. I've even had friends come to organize their spaces - and think I am their own "Mission: Organization".

5. I am a book junkie. Doesn't matter what kind. I have an entire bookshelf that is scrapbooking idea books and magazines. I have a bookshelf of regular books. I have a bookshelf of children's books. I have a bookshelf of teaching books. Books, books, books... (I've bought 7 this week alone. And 5 last week. And have an online cart of about... *cough-17-cough* more.)

6. My foot-wear staple is flip-flops. I even made a scrapbook layout about it one time.

7. I considered a math degree when I first started college but decided on English. I knew I wanted to teach. But just not little ones. But here I am. A 1st grade teacher.

8. I leave the advent calendar on my door way too long. I always think to myself that I need to take it down as soon as Christmas is over. But then come March when I *see* the snowmen - I have to take it down. I just get used to it being there, and well... forget.

I am supposed to tag 8 people. I'll get to that soon. :) Unless you haven't been tagged. And then - consider yourself a taggie.

I can't remember if I posted this little fella or not. I guess I get that from staying up too late all the time. My brain is slightly confused. (haha... slightly)

I have made a few new things with the NEW STAMPS that I got Friday. But I haven't really had a big chance after getting VBS wrapped up, and then spending this evening in town. I'll have to photo & post. I'm pleased with what I got on this first go-round. Although, I already have an order in draft for some more things. :)

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